Czech republic
Czech or foreign investors entering the Czech market may choose between several corporate forms. The fundamental law in this area is the Civil Code and Business Corporations Act.
There are no limitations for foreign investors when it comes to setting up companies. A foreign natural or legal person may establish any form of company either together with other foreign or Czech persons, or alone as a sole shareholder. In this respect, foreign natural and legal persons enjoy the same rights and bear the same obligations as Czech persons and may not be discriminated against.
A Czech (S.R.O.) Company offers the following benefits:
• Full Foreign Ownership:
The shares in a S.R.O. can be all owned by foreigners.
• Limited Liability:
A shareholder’s liability is limited to his or her contribution to the share capital.
• Privacy:
Nominee shareholders are permitted offering greater privacy.
• One Shareholder and One Director:
Only one shareholder is required who can be the sole director in order to fully control the S.R.O.
• Low Capital:
The minimum amount of the company's registered capital is 1,0 CZK (0,05 USD) without the need for bank account credit.
• EU Membership:
Slovakia is a member of the European Union (EU) affording opportunities to open branch offices throughout the EU.